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Download and install Bluestacks on your pc from the official website of Bluestacks.. Now that you have taken excellent aerial shots of, for example, the snow-capped mountain peaks, it is time to edit the DJI drone footage and share it over social media.. This article rounds up the best 5 video editors in 2020 for you And you can get the answers of the following questions:.. Start the installation process by clicking on the bluestacks exe file, which you downloaded.. This is exactly where a DJI video editing software can come to your rescue by transforming the captured frames into pure magic.. Enter to Search My Profile Logout CNET News Best Apps We are highlighting the steps to install the DJI app for windows and mac pc through Bluestacks.. Dji go app free download - Mag2GO, and many more programs Dji go app free download - Mag2GO, and many more programs. d70b09c2d4